Monday, February 14, 2011

Paying it Forward

Happy Valentines Day!!!

This morning I got up in a bad mood I had to travel early. I got up at 4:15am to leave the house by 4:30am. I was grumpy to say the least. I stopped at the local gas station, the parking lot resembled a ghost town, pumped my gas and decided coffee was most definitely in order. I fixed my cup of coffee and got up to the register, grabbed a $5 out of my pocketbook mad that I couldn't find a $1. A person got behind me in line and I was more than annoyed I had been standing there for at the least 2 minutes and no cashier in sight. The person behind me made small talk, I obliged, jokingly they said "you gonna buy mine this morning too?" I didn't even hesitate actually, and said absolutely. He was an older man, maybe in his 50's or so, the look in his eye when I said to the cashier that I would buy his too was worth it, like I had given him hope that there are still good people in the world. As I walked away he kinda just stood there not knowing how to react, as I walked out or the door I heard him say "I will get you back next time" I turned around and said, nah, pay it forward and buy someone else's. He said, I can do that. I got into my car and left, but as I drove away, I wasn't grumpy anymore, I was in a good mood. It was totally worth $1. I can only hope that sometime today that man will pay it forward and tell them the same and that some where in this county a chain reaction of feel good will go around.

So, sometime today do something nice for someone. Pay for the person behind you at Starbucks, let that person out in front of you in rush hour traffic, make small talk with the frowning cashier that just wants to go home. Show love, show people that good still exists. I promise you will feel good and so will that person and some type of chain reaction will happen. YOU can change a persons day!!!!

1 comment:

  1. you change this persons day every day sweetie!
